Wednesday, January 30, 2013

TED Challenge

TED - Technology, Engineering, and Design. This week, we were challenged to search for a TED Talk video that we felt was worth spreading and showing to others. I choose this video, thinking it was a nice video that caught my attention.

1.  The TED organization is about spreading worthy ideas involving technology, entertainment, and design.
2.The idea of their website is so people can easily navigate to find most recent updates, videos, and news. The website has an easy to navigate design and apparent links.
3.  The topics that most interest engineers are the business and science because both of these topics are associated with engineering.
4.  Lessons in business… from prison, 4 lessons in creativity, why architects need to use their ears

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Minecraft Building

I tried to emulate Frank Furness with his Victorian style building. This is what the end product looked liked:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Architect Notes

Video 1
  • less is more
  • big windows
Video 2
  • Shin Takamatsu
  • futuristic
Video 3
  • Andrea Palladio
  • clarity, rules
  • proportion
Video 4
  • Etienne Louis Boullee
  • Greeks / Romans
  • massive, repition
Video 5
  • Le Corbusier
  • sculptural, repition
Video 6
  • Frank Furness
  • victorian, pioneers
  • arches oversized
Video 7
  • Frank Wright
  • organic
  • long over hangs, ornate
  • detail, nature
Video 8
  • Antoni Gaudi
  • flowing lines
  • constant motion
Video 9
  • Tadao Ando
  • bold, brilliant
  • concrete
Video 10
  • Coop Himmelblau
  • shuffled
  • recontruction